Thursday, November 21, 2019

Change Model to Expand the Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Change Model to Expand the Business - Essay Example This paper illustrates that in business expansion, the change process plays an essential role to evaluate present performances and future possibilities. Apart from this, planning plays a very valuable role during the change process. An appropriate change model is required to be implemented with the intention of ensuring that the expansion process is conducted successfully. Subsequently, the success of the change model is dependent on various factors that include communication of the urgency of change, type of change needed and effective communication of change plan. In this context, planning and implementation process are required to be managed successfully in order to enhance probability margin of success. In the present scenario, globalization and advanced technology are the prime factors accountable for business expansion in different overseas market segments. The organization in order to enter the Chinese market segments and conduct business operations successfully is required to ensure that business operations are performed in accordance with the preferences as well as the behavior of customers. The market segments of China are developing rapidly with consumers mostly preferring for local branded products and/or services. In this context, the Chinese consumers are identified to have minimum needs or preferences for foreign products and/or services. Thus, it can be evidently asserted that in order to establish a business relation in a Chinese market, the organization is required to adopt effective change model to ensure that business operations are conducted on the basis of market demands.

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